Thursday, January 26, 2012

Child too much like me....

I have three daughters. One makes me feel very old, one makes me feel like a teenager again and one makes me feel young....I have one daughter that is too much like me that at times scare me, other times worry me and other times makes me sad. She is very, very shy, unable to make friends because of the shyness, speaks her mind at times that could come off judgmental, uncomfortable with herself that she doesn't know what to say when around people and can't seem to see how wonderful and great she is. It is her birthday today.... Because of our financial issues, we were unable to "celebrate" the way I wanted to. Of course, she says that it was okay (which really means I want to feel special, but again I get nothing), but I question if she really feels that. See it is hard to know what she really feels because like me, she never wants to put pressure on me and her dad, never wants us to feel bad that she can't get this or that (She is a girl and a teenager. They want stuff!!). She never wants to be a burden and sacrifices herself so many times. She has to constantly give up things because of your situation, but rarely does she tell us. What hurts really is deep down I know how she feels and I as her mother passed that on to her. When I wanted children, I never wanted them to feel like they were a burden, I always wanted them to feel special and know that they are loved. Too many times when I was growing up I never felt I was wanted or loved. I was left alone unlimited amount of hours on all days, including the major holidays and my birthday... Here history has repeated itself and I left her home alone today. Yes, I had appointments that I had to go to for my other child, then I had to go to the store, etc.; all good reasons, right? I still left her home alone. I wanted to break the cycle, but all I did was add another clink to the chain....

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